Monday, November 13, 2006

M-Bags Like Early Christmas

My books arrived!!! Three boxes, about $150 for 150 pounds. It was well worth it, and it only took two months. Novels, kid lit, school books, hubby geek stuff, and art books. A girl like me needs books in every room of her house. I’ve even got my best cookbook, the big new Gourmet tomb.


Jane said...

Yes--I remember our M-Bags and how grateful we were that they truly arrived. Now--getting them back home! Does Turkey have M-bags? Not sure about Italy.

secret santa said...

Kloe -- I love a bighaired blond who reads and cooks. How complex you are, my little 4-inch beauty.

kloeamongtheturks said...

Secret Santa-
Thanks, but I'm just a normal gal who happens to have the luck to live in Turkey for a while.
love, Kloe