Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Taking Art to the Limit without Crossing the Line

Today I had an interesting discussion with my fourth year painting students (who are a mature lot), which continued over dinner with a Turkish artist friend. A few days ago a student drawing was hung in the hallway of the Art Faculty at our University that depicts Jesus with a crown of thorns. Well and fine. But hanging around his neck is an upside-down cross. I’m not at all squeamish, and have done lots of controversial artmaking addressing Old Testament mythology, but this image crossed the line with me, especially as there is no reason for this cross. A Polish student said it bothered her too.
So is it OK to comment on cultural subjects you don’t really understand? Can I make artwork as if I am a man, or a black person, or a gay person? Can a Moslem make imagery degrading Jesus in a school setting? What’s OK for Jeff Koons to display in a museum would not be OK in a public library. Well, anyway, it got the students thinking, I hope.
To my friend, now that I know you are checking on this blog, I’ll try to be more circumspect, especially writing about feminine issues, but I must warn you, it’s not in my nature to be discreet. I take refuge in my blondness. Love and kisses.

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