Friday, March 16, 2007


I assigned my Cross-Discipline class an autobiographical performance, an action in 30 seconds. One student placed Turkish junkfood in front of her. Then she opened the chocolate, cookie and candy and brought each to her mouth, but stopped before taking a bite. In the end she didn’t eat anything, but scooped up the mess and exited.
The interesting part was critiquing this action. The Turks thought the artist was indecisive and distracted. The three Americans (I and two exchange students) thought she was commenting on women’s obsession with appearance and dieting, even health/anorexia. Which shocked the Turks. We Americans never acknowledge that it’s OK for a woman to eat a candy bar (especially a cheap one), while here stuff like that is marketed to adults during prime time t.v. And who is fatter?
You guessed it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
