Thursday, February 21, 2008

Rant, or W. W. S-B. S?

It bugs me when someone disparages the “younger generation” for not being able to live without a computer, for not reading the newspaper and instead getting news online, or for having much of their social life online. I realize it’s often ignorance and fear that non-digitalizers exhibit with such nonsense. But to say everyone under 25 or 30 is stupid, it’s just outrageous.
I also hate when people dis our educational system. They have no idea how amazing American education is compared to how much of the world learns. Yes, there are big problems, but god bless it, we produce creative problem-solvers, not robots. We believe we can affect the world, or at least our little piece of it, while many non-Americans feel so oppressed by fate and circumstance that they are mostly paralyzed.
Wake up!!!


ms. v. said...

thank you for this! I, too, hate sweeping generalizations - generational, cultural, what-have-you. as a science kind of person, I find it hard to swallow that any generation or culture is or was just plain better, harder-working, more intellectual, more intelligent, or whatever, than another. it's romanticizing, it's statistically unlikely, and it reflects a lack of insight into how the knowledge considered important changes... each generation is smart about certain things, has its share of genius and foolishness...

read your earlier posts, too, and hope you are finding little ways to be gentle on yourself...

kloeamongtheturks said...

Thanks, you are so sweet to keep tabs on me.

Emily ohhhsweetturkey said...

Amen Kloe! We have great opportunities! A chance to be creative as we have talked about before! Also Americans are hard-working, multi-taskers and most learn to think for themselves...

kloeamongtheturks said...

Hey Sugar,
How are your fellow students in Istanbul? Do they think independently, make good work?
Hope to see you when you return.