Friday, November 14, 2008

More Studio Rent Justification

On a public radio program, On the Media, an educator describes an economics textbook he has written in reaction to the bad options offered his students. In his subject, published textbooks are too generic and cost $150. His text is targeted to his students and costs $11.
Why did this guy write what is basically a free textbook? He hopes other economists will take his text and improve it (others are not allowed to profit from his work). And why did he make it free? Because he, like college professors all over, writes scholarly articles which are submitted without recompense, to academic journals. This is his job. To share knowledge for free.
(Note: At research institutions, professors are expected to publish, which builds reputation and gets you tenure.)
Then why do I feel so guilty that I paint but don’t sell my work? Why do we visual artists crave validation through commerce, when it’s an educator’s job to create and give away the creation? Making art benefits my students by making me a better teacher. That should be enough.
Drawing by Wayne Hulgin, I don’t own it, but wish I did…


Nancy Ewart said...

We are always so quick to blame and criticize ourselves and so slow to praise our work, our dedication, our struggles through difficult times. It's a difficult time to be an artist, more difficult than usual. Take what comfort you can find and as for selling, you can't blame yourself for buyers blindness to the beauties of your painting.

Anonymous said...

What about sharing your art with those you trust? Allow them to hang/borrow and share your art in hopes of sales. If they are sales; give them 10% and then replace the bought one with another one within the friends space. This by passes the galleries and your closet/storage spaces altogether, and allows you to keep making.

kloeamongtheturks said...

Namaste, thanks! I'll try to keep on the "sunny side."
Anon--good idea. I'm starting to work on such a project, a sort of barter of artwork from artist to artist, friend to friend. But I make so much work, a really do have to store some of it. The trick is not to stretch the paintings, then they roll up small.
I'm nothing if not practical.