Wednesday, February 07, 2007

All Study and No Play

All over Turkey, in cities big and small, high school students and young adults are studying in dershaneler, or private night schools. This photo was taken in Bursa from our hotel room at 6pm on a Sunday evening. What are they studying? Most probably, English. It is the key to success. In university entrance exams there is an English test. To get ahead in almost every profession, you must have English. Turkish has no future (this is what Turks tell me). How can that be for a national psyche, to believe that your language may die?
However, most Turks who do know English are afraid to speak it with me. They think I will judge them. When of course, coming from SoCal, where almost everyone mangles English, I am the last person to judge.
Tomorrow, in fact, I’m going home to Spanlishland for a week, so I’ll be posting from the other side of the world when next I write. Hasta la vista, baby.
Love, Kloe

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