Monday, February 26, 2007

The Future for Turkish Women Artists as revealed to the Guerrilla Girls

“Beware of females from beyond the Bosphorus:
Over 40% of the artists shown in Istanbul Galleries are women… a much better percentage than in Europe or the U.S. Soon hordes of women artist from abroad will seek refuge here to improve their careers. Male artists will relocate to be better appreciated.
"Don’t Count on Museums, Trust Banks Instead:
The Istanbul Museum of Painting and Sculpture has only 17 women hanging in its permanent collection. The Istanbul Modern is just as bad. The Pera did an exhibition, “The Image of Women in Turkish Art,” with only 2 female artists. Your artistic destiny may rest in a bank… some of their galleries have much better records.
"One Turkish curator will live forever. Others will be exiled.
The curator with the best record for promoting women artists will be cloned and his duplicates sent all over the world. The curators who forget women when they organize museum exhibitions and biennials will be banished to the US and EU where such backward ideas belong.
"Find Good Fortune in the Navy:
If you insist on having a museum exhibition, try the navy. 75% of the artists shown at the naval Museum Art Gallery have been women.”

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