Thursday, April 05, 2007

Home Depot, Not

In America, people who are lucky enough to own a home spend at least part of each weekend at Home Depot, Ikea or the local nursery. We are burdened with long honey-do lists. We try to fix things ourselves because the plumber, the electrician and the sprinkler guy get paid more than our children’s teachers do. Way more.
Here in Turkey there is no such thing as Home Depot (hard for artists!). Ikea has arrived in Istanbul only. Homeowners don’t spend their weekends working on their houses, because calling a plumber to come out, even on a weekend, usually costs only parts. Like under $20. The only problem with these guys is that they don’t clean up after themselves (maybe they feel it’s women’s work?)
Above is newly refurbished water heater. Yeah!

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