Wednesday, May 16, 2007

The Mirren/Streep Affect

As a woman growing older, I need role models. In SoCal there are many accomplished women I can look to, who do amazing work, have exciting lives, and who look beautiful. I know the last part depends somewhat on money, genes, and health.
Here in Turkey, I am confounded. Where are the older women? (I know where they are, at home.) My friends here are younger than I am. Occasionally I meet a woman and will think, oh she’s much older than I, and then find out she is younger by several years! It’s as if Turkish women go directly from 40 to 60 in one year.
In the March issue of Turkish Marie Claire there was an article profiling five high-powered Turk businesswomen, with accompanying full body photos. Three were married, one was single and one divorced. Four were in their 30s and one was 50. All looked older than Americans do at the same ages. Is it that life is so hard for Turkish women?

On a different note, I finally got the news I was waiting for, that I will have another one-person exhibition! It will be in Our Anatolian City in June. In the next two weeks I have to finish three more portraits and get lots of framing done… But I’m very happy!

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