Saturday, August 18, 2007

I miss Turkey so much.

Sometimes I can’t believe I’m here and not there.


Anonymous said...

I know you would like to be here not there

Anonymous said...

Kloe, I know what and how you feel and share this with you. We have been back for 3 weeks from our year in Italy. Adjustment is difficult--made more so by our resistance to readapting to life here in SD with all its conveniences, largeness, 10 lane freeways, etc. We would much rather be "there." It is almost like a disassociation from life here. I guess in time you and we will settle in and move on--even if reluctantly.

kloeamongtheturks said...

Hi Jane,
Just caught up with your blog. Very moving and sad. I hope Casey readjusts soon, I'm sure he will. My boys are already quite happy here again.
Hope you continue to blog.

kloeamongtheturks said...

M, thanks. K

Anonymous said...


im just back from turkey after 2 weeks, and i miss it so much, im really sad that im not there!
