Saturday, April 26, 2008

Stalled but Not Beaten

Around the New Year I ceased to think of academia as a career option. I’ve now been out of grad school for seven years, had numerous call-back interviews for positions, a Fulbright, and am no closer to landing a tenure-track job. Arnie has killed public ed here anyway. And I’m getting older. Time to stop messing around.
So I decided to start a design business. And was promptly swamped teaching two lecture classes to 150 students, unable to proceed with my freelance plans. But the end is in sight, only one more month of madness and then summer is here. Yes, I’m teaching summer school with any luck. But I’ll be able to again focus on getting some clients and building a portfolio. Also continuing to paint and promote my own work, of course.
Then I’ve got this other thing in the back of my mind, tickling me. It’s good to let go the idea that teaching is the only or best way for me. A friend on the other coast is making the same decision…

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