Thursday, August 21, 2008

Studio Search Update

For now I’m making due with painting on my patio. It’s not great. In fact, it sucks. I can only work on small canvases, I can only have one painting up at a time, and I can’t back away from the painting more than 6 feet. I know, I’m just spoiled rotten.
Looked for a new studio space today. Seems I was paying almost $3/square foot, which I knew was too much. The going rate is more like $2/square foot, but I should be able to find a space for less as I want it rough.
I had a lovely encounter. Went into a barbershop that had a real estate sign on it. Inside there was a man who looked like a woman and a woman who sounded like a man. Neither spoke English. So in broken Spanish I told them what I was looking for, and they explained that their rent was also too high and they were leaving. They gave me a lead down the street. I thanked them and left. A block away a car honked at me and it was the woman/man, offering to give me a lift. I trusted, and took it, and she was very gracious.
Sort of made my day...
I love painting on linen. It makes a difference, feels like oil painting, although I’m using acrylics. The shine of acrylics is mitigated by thick, rough linen. Unfortunately, it costs $33/yd. So I’m trying some linen/cotton mix ($15/yd) and a heavy cotton canvas ($11/yd), both from an upholstery store, rather than an art supply.

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