Thursday, November 08, 2007

Trunk of an Adjunct Art Instructor

This is a good indication of my life. Art boxes for each school, text books, projects-graded and ungraded, portfolios, extra pads of paper. Then gym bag, food and emergency clothes for kids, sun umbrella and chair (soccer mom stuff), change of shoes for when I can’t walk in heels anymore.
Next semester I have to teach ART HISTORY OH MY GOD (caves to cathedrals), art orientation, and linear perspective. Am hoping for a miracle to keep me from this fate…


Anonymous said...

Hi Kloe, sounds like Art History will be an awesome class to teach. Noe has been thinking about taking a fun art history class. Will have to check thoug as some luggage is quite missing in another country at the moment. Sometimes, Noe likes to be in the thick of things cause when they pass, life can get quite monotonous. Although Noe is always way too busy...Chao!

kloeamongtheturks said...

I expect you to keep studying, whether art history or something else...